Saturday, September 23, 2017

Southern Exposure

I am feeling quite well as of late and I do believe I’m back! You don’t have to worry about me. But I do want to share a therapy from my doctor, that really is quite remarkable. And then I’m back to my usual Gaga escapades!

Exposure therapy. The idea is for you to overcome your panic and anxiety with baby steps. Let’s say you don’t want to miss out on beach time with your family, take a swim in the ocean, enjoying the sunshine. But, it has become a difficult activity for you to enjoy. Thankfully, not something I fear, but something we do often in our southern climate.

First step is to take a drive to the beach and look at the rolling waves from the safety of your car window. Next time, park your car and get out. You do not have to walk onto the beach. Just lean against your car, perhaps Heidi Klum or James Dean-like, (there’s no reason you can’t look cool while working on yourself), knowing that if panic sets in you have the freedom to get back in your car and drive away.

In time, your panic will lessen. You will finally step onto the beach, then eventually stroll to the edge of the ocean, so forth and so on, until you dip your toe in the water, then wade to your knees and finally take a swim with your loved ones. No need to feel you have to jump right into the deep blue sea when you aren’t ready. This may take several weeks, to several months. No need to feel like a failure because you can’t go all-in, immediately. Patience really can be a virtue.