Tuesday, February 5, 2013

They've Got Mail

Emailing my sister can be problematic. I do love hearing from her. It's in my replies that much thought must be given. She has taken it upon herself to disseminate my information throughout the land. Sometimes, for no reason apparent to me, she will forward my email to friends and family merely because she says she's enjoyed its content.  And I too receive emails sent to my sister which she forwards on to me, often from people unknown.  If only they knew!

Yesterday she kindly asked how things were with the new house. She is quite thoughtful that way. I emailed when we would be moving and she replied back, "I sent your email to our brothers." Hmmmm....Good thing I didn't write anything incriminating.

So I thought about this for a while and realized she is the tie that binds. She keeps us, my siblings and I, in touch, whether we want to or not.

The person we worried about after our mother's passing, who would certainly need the most guidance, has turned out to be the one guiding us in togetherness, one email at a time.

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