Thursday, May 30, 2013

Jumping Ship!

Whether it is writing or jogging or brushing and flossing, I thrive on routine.

And as most of you know I write in the mornings, when I am fresh and the day is young.  Although, according to the June, "O Magazine," Feeling Good feature, "On The Clock," I should be the most creative at 4:30 in the afternoon.   And perhaps, there in lies the problem; if I wait until that late in the day I won't write at all. 

It is no secret, since I shouted it from my blog, that I had a few holes, as Maggie Mae put it, while working on my book.  I untangled one mess, only to come across another and it seemed so daunting I wondered if I should just give up altogether...abandon ship!  After all, I thought to myself, I'd have more free time for Milo visits.

And so during my daily ritual of writing I commented to Daughter that I thought it was all very, very bad and I wanted to stop.  Daughter, though, without skipping a beat, blurted out, "No, you are not.  You keep on writing and don't look back."  And so I set about writing the next day and the next and maybe it's not half bad.  So, thank you Daughter for the swift kick of encouragement.  I still write in the morning; Oprah will just have to understand.

O Magazine, June 2013

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