Friday, June 28, 2013


We've got another leaker!  This one popped up from under the floor in the office.  You know what that means?   Wood flooring will need to be replaced.  But, it's all good - we've got our health.  I know, waiting for us to crack, aren't you?

Still love the house - no really we do.  I even went for a swim today.  The first one since we moved in. I've got to get in my aerobic exercise (thinning bones and all, you know).

And so I wondered, why the wait?  Is it that "mommy" guilt, knowing there are tons of things to do in the house; laundry, cleaning, cooking, writing?

The duck thermometer bobbed up and down in the glistening water, beckoning me outside.  I got my suit on and put my toe in.  The duck looked at me, I looked at the duck and in I went...glorious!

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