Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Pantry of My Own!

My goal for the day is to get out of the house. Although I could just as easily be persuaded to rest on the sofa. I am totally and utterly spent from this move...happy and grateful...but spent.

Somehow, I don't think Ina was this tired from her new barn. No, she probably had a staff. My staff consists of me and the workmen who traipse in throughout the day to finish up our punch list. They are lovely, really, and they do call ahead, but they have a habit of arriving earlier than expected. And when your house feels like Grand Central Station it is difficult to really be at ease, or on some days even use the loo!

I'm on to them; yesterday morning I was up at the crack of dawn, showered, started a load of wash and was writing by 7:30 a.m. There's no lounging in bed for me.

And as I suspected, by 9:30 the doorbell rang and a flood of people arrived. Perhaps that might be an exaggeration, unless five constitutes a flood.

As for the pantry, now there's a challenge. There's no willy nilly placement of dishes, platters, apothecary jars and the like. It has taken me the entire two weeks and three days we have been here to get it almost to the point of Ina's pantry of mystery.

I say that because I am basing my entire space on the smidgen of shelving I can see on her show and the glimpses of shiny photos in her cookbooks. Her boxes of Morton salt and pasta are neatly stacked just so. White platters live picture pefectly together!  The idea seemed good in theory, not so much in reality, when toilets are overflowing and carpenters and painters are underfoot.

My inspiration is absolutely from the Contessa, but in my world baking soda boxes lean a little like the Tower of Pisa and cat food bags sit next to soup pots. But, when I turn on the light to the pantry I have coveted and never thought I would have, a smile comes to my face and I am very, very thankful indeed!

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