Thursday, June 20, 2013

Keeping It All In Perspective!

Our new window shade in the bedroom broke.  At least it's in the down position.  Imagine the show if it was stuck "up?"  A button popped off the Dustbuster midstream and almost hit me in the eye.  But, thankfully all the big box stores have plenty in supply.  I like the new one better anyway.

And we may need a new air conditioning unit at our old house, which we regretfully are still in possession of. 

So, one might be pushed to the edge of crazy, what with the "Money Pit" house we seem to be living in.  But, perspective is important here.  It's just a shade and really just a teeny tiny vacuum...The point being, it's not a life hanging in the balance, these are things.  Some, pretty pricey, I'll give you that, and this is probably not the year I'm going to get that diamond solitaire (another story, for another day) but, I can't help but feel gratitude for what I do have.

I say all this as someone who just had a week full of doctor appointments.  In my twenties and thirties I didn't give much thought to these yearly check-ups.  Oh, I did my share of fretting over needles and the weigh in.  Now, I could care less what I weigh (ok, maybe a little), but mostly I pray nothing is wrong so I can go hopping and skipping into the sunshine with a smile on my face.  Which I am happy to report I did, well, at least the smiling part (I do still have a brace on my arm from dancing).

So, you know there is going to be a lesson here.  Count your blessings for the health and happiness of the people you love, because that cannot be purchased at any big box store.


1 comment:

Shira said...

Great post. Love you Mommy!